The logo helps our users identify our brand when using our services. The ENGIE logo must be included in every digital interface created by ENGIE.
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
- Logo primary (.svg)
- Logo white (.svg)
- Logo small primary (.svg)
- Logo small white (.svg)
- Favicon (.ico)
ENGIE offers logo
What is an offer within the ENGIE group?
The word “offer” covers one or more of the goods and/or services provided by ENGIE (or another primary issuing brand) on the Group’s markets. The offer can be recognised because it features a specific and consistent graphic design within the Group. This design helps to spotlight key ENGIE offers (or those of another primary issuing brand). Visually, offers must be uniform and create a clear connection with the ENGIE brand.
Please contact Catherine Orban for more information.
Example of ENGIE offers logo
ENGIE offer logo visual guidelines
Typographic guidelines
FF Clan ® font in Bold must be used. The lettering must be based on the upper case combined with the lower case in the name, which reachs the same height as the upper case letters. This style of lettering is preferred for vowels such as “e” and “i” to create a connection with the ENGIE brand. If there are no vowels “e” or “i” in the name, then the look and feel must be created by using lower-case letters.
Offer names also use the ENGIE gradient within the font.
The box
A box completes and has been added to the typography in order to distinguish and personalize the logo. It is composed of a cartridge to sit the logo and of an icon representative of the offer. The style is simple and minimalist in order to provide modernity and to facilitate reading. On digital interfaces such as dashboards, the logo can thus be adapted only with the box when the sidebar is retracted and with the entire logo when it is open.

Icon specifications
- + Integration in the grid
- + Color: Gradient Corporate
- + Line thickness: 3px
Box specifications
- + Size: 36px × 36px
- + Border radius: 6px
- + Shadow: Whiteframe Header
- + Stroke: 0.5px+ Stroke gradient:Blue Allports (100%) > Blue Corporate (10%)
Font specifications
- + Clan OT Bold
- + Com recommandations
- + X-height: 20px
Use of the logo
The ENGIE logo offers (or those of another primary issuing brand) can be declined in 2 versions with or without typography to adapt to digital interfaces such as dashboards.
Navigation retracted

Navigation opened

ENGIE brand
The ENGIE logo is present and placed in the footer.